For PCR cyclers with block techology
- Real-time-PCR Master Mix E1 - qPCR/RTD-PCR Master mix with EvaGreen and dUTP
- Real-time PCR Master Mix E2 - The master mix for RTD-PCR/qPCR contains: EvaGreen, dUTP and UNG
- Real-time PCR Master Mix E3 - The Master mix for RTD-PCR/qPCR contains: EvaGreen, dUTP and ROX (500 nM)
- Real-time PCR Master Mix E4 - The Master mix for RTD-PCR/qPCR contains: EvaGreen, dUTP, UNG and ROX (500 nM)
- Real-time PCR Master Mix E5 - The Master mix for RTD-PCR/qPCR contains: EvaGreen, dUTP and low ROX (100 nM)
- Real-time PCR Master Mix E6 - The Master mix for RTD-PCR/qPCR contains: EvaGreen, dUTP, UNG and low ROX (100 nM)
Advantages of qPCR and RTD-PCR Mastermixes from GeneON:
- The Master Mixes contain dUTP. This prevent carry-over contamination of previous PCR reactions using
UDG treatment
- The Master Mixes contain a Hot-start enzyme which needs only a short first denaturation step of less
than 5 minutes
- The Master Mixes are ready-to-use; all components: Hot-start enzyme, dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dUTP,
reaction buffer with KCl and MgCl2, special enhancer and stabilizers are optimized.
- PCR-grade water is provided
- The amount of reactions is calculated for 50µl PCR assays