The p3T vector provides a flexible system for the direct cloning of PCR products. It allows cloning of PCR products via multiple dT overhangs.Utilizing the restriction site Pfl MI, three dT overhangs are produced. After polyadenylating the PCR fragment with Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase, the PCR fragment can be cloned with high efficiency via a multiple dA extension.
Using p3T, less amplified DNA is required. A Sma I site is present to reduce vector background; Msc I sites flank the insert for optimal excision. Blue/white selection by alpha-complementation is possible. MoBiTec also supplies Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase including polyadenylation buffer.
- cloning PCR products via multiple dA extensions,
- results in higher efficiencies than with single dA/dT overhangs