Expert siRNA design provides guaranteed gene silencing from pre-designed genome-wide collections for human, mouse and rat targets.
Simply search for your gene of interest and choose from the available product formats and quantities.
- We now offer a new 2 nmol size when purchasing pre-designed ON-TARGETplus or siGENOME siRNAs for human, mouse, or rat.
- Guaranteed knockdown by SMARTpool and 3 of 4 individual siRNAs
- Rational strand bias approach to promote effective silencing and reduce sense strand off-targeting (see below).
- Sequence information provided with siRNA purchase.
Product Formats
- SMARTpool:
A mixture of 4 siRNA provided as a single reagent; providing advantages in both potency and specificity. siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus are guaranteed† to silence by 75% or better.
- Set of 4:
A convenient option for purchasing aliquots of all 4 individual siRNAs targeting a single gene. Three of four siGENOME and ON-TARGETplus siRNAs are guaranteed† to silence by 75% or better.
- Set of 4 Upgrade:
Discounted price on the Set of 4 based on a concurrent or prior purchase of the SMARTpool reagent for the same gene.
- Individual siRNAs:
Select 1, 2, 3 or 4 individual siRNAs per gene.
Start your gene search